Head Start Education
Hi there, I bet you are wondering what is so special about a Head Start Education? I mean how different could it be from any other preschool program or day care? Aren’t all early childhood programs about the same?
Yes and no! We share with these other programs a focus on getting children ready for school but our approach is startlingly different.
First and most importantly we are family centered! You as the parent or guardian are your child’s first and most important teacher. We know that the success of the child is dictated by the success of the family. In order to help your child, get ready for school, we also help your family with setting and achieving their goals. Instead of just teaching the children, we want to partner with families so they have the tools for continued success after they leave our program.
Second, we see school readiness as well beyond just ABC’s and 123’s. At Head Start we focus on the whole child because children who are not well are less able to be successful in the classroom. Our approach to wellness starts with providing nutritious meals and snacks for the children when they are in the program. As well as, offering the opportunity for rest daily in our full day programs. We also track their growth, hearing, vision, physical exams, and dental health. If any of these areas are a concern our staff can provide referrals and support to help families meet their child’s needs.
Next, Head Start is community focused! We embody the saying it takes a village to raise a child. We know we are not the experts on everything but because we actively work to cultivate relationships with other organizations within our community, we are able to connect your family with what they need. If your child needs extra support with speech or development, we partner with the local school district or early intervention to get them the help they need. If your family is struggling with utilities, we connect you with the social services that can meet those needs. If you are interested in free activities throughout the county, we keep you in the loop about those as well! Collaboration with our community partners means that we can better support your child and family on their school readiness journey.
Finally, our classrooms look a little bit different as we embrace a play-based philosophy. Children learn best through play at this age and we use that to our advantage. Singing, building, and dressing up can all be great ways to teach valuable skills that they will need in kindergarten. My favorite way to practice learning the letters in their name is to make a name puzzle. We practice counting by playing hopscotch and mix colors when we paint to explore science concepts. Each day is a new adventure as we learn through play.
I hope this has helped you see how a Head Start education is different than the others.